Language Arts Grade Five

Unit One, Lesson Two: Contractions

  1. praise
  2. impress
  3. present
  4. proud
  5. pretend
  6. wetness
  7. supply
  8. liquid
  9. underground
  10. spring
  1. well
  2. aquifer
  3. bottle
  4. plumbing
  5. county
  6. state
  7. mining
  8. lonely
  9. highway
  10. road

Here are some more contractions:

	 she will		 she'll
	 he will		 he'll
	 they will		 they'll
	 they are		 they're
	 he would		 he'd
	 she would		 she'd
	 you will		 you'll
	 you would		 you'd
	 they have		 they've
Here are a few examples of contractions in action:

	They've been sleeping for an hour.

	He'd like to, but he has too much work.

	You'll love the hike we have planned.

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