Language Arts Grade Five
Unit One, Lesson Four: Syllables
- praise
- impress
- present
- proud
- pretend
- wetness
- supply
- liquid
- underground
- spring
- well
- aquifer
- bottle
- plumbing
- county
- state
- mining
- lonely
- highway
- road
Several words from the list for this unit have only one syllable:
praise proud spring
well state road
A syllable is a part of a word that is made up of one vowel sound. The word
sound is in bold because sometimes two or more vowels work together to
create a single vowel sound. For instance, the word syllable has three
syllables (syl-la-ble).
Two of the one syllable words from the list have only one vowel:
The other one syllable words from the list have two or more vowels which
work together to make just one vowel sound:
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