Language Arts Grade Five

Unit One, Lesson Four: Syllables

  1. praise
  2. impress
  3. present
  4. proud
  5. pretend
  6. wetness
  7. supply
  8. liquid
  9. underground
  10. spring
  1. well
  2. aquifer
  3. bottle
  4. plumbing
  5. county
  6. state
  7. mining
  8. lonely
  9. highway
  10. road

Several words from the list for this unit have only one syllable:

	praise		proud		spring

	well		state		road

A syllable is a part of a word that is made up of one vowel sound. The word sound is in bold because sometimes two or more vowels work together to create a single vowel sound. For instance, the word syllable has three syllables (syl-la-ble).

Two of the one syllable words from the list have only one vowel:

		well		spring

The other one syllable words from the list have two or more vowels which work together to make just one vowel sound:

	praise			proud

	state			road

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