Language Arts Grade Four
Unit Eighteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review
- telephone
- pheasant
- photograph
- metaphor
- chlorophyll
- wildflowers
- lupine
- daisy
- sunflower
- survival
- seedling
- annual
- garlic
- dairy
- petal
- gamble
- build
- speed
- stalk
- faster
Figurative Language
Here are the answers and explanations for the last exercise:
- The sky was so clear you could see forever. - Exaggeration - The
sky might be clear, but you can't really see forever.
- The sky shined like an emerald. - Simile - The sky is being
compared to an emerald and either the word like or as is used.
- The sky was full of little diamonds known as stars. - Metaphor -
The stars are compared to diamonds without the words like or as.
- The sky was clear and you could see lots of stars. - Literal -
The language is plain and clear.
- The stars winked and smiled at us. - Personification - People
wink and smile and so the stars in this sentence are being given human
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