Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eighteen, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. telephone
  2. pheasant
  3. photograph
  4. metaphor
  5. chlorophyll
  6. wildflowers
  7. lupine
  8. daisy
  9. sunflower
  10. survival
  1. seedling
  2. annual
  3. garlic
  4. dairy
  5. petal
  6. gamble
  7. build
  8. speed
  9. stalk
  10. faster
Unit Review

There are different types of figurative language. We will discuss exaggeration, personification, simile, and metaphor. Here are some examples of each:

  LITERAL: The sky was full of clouds.

  EXAGGERATION: There were more clouds than sky today.

  PERSONIFICATION: The sky begged to be free of the clouds.

  SIMILE: The sky was like a bucket full of clouds.

  METAPHOR: The sky was a bucket full of clouds.

These sentences use different ways of expressing the same idea.

Order Words

Here are some words that can be used to keep track of when things happen in a story or other types of writing:

        after           first           next            until
        later           last            finally         then
        meanwhile       second          third           before
These words can be used to tell in what order events happen.

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