Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Seventeen, Lesson Two: Appositive Phrases

  1. address
  2. drought
  3. drop
  4. drill
  5. dream
  6. drain
  7. children
  8. drink
  9. sonic
  10. boom
  1. center
  2. figure
  3. agree
  4. moment
  5. script
  6. travel
  7. settlement
  8. tourist
  9. goggle
  10. freeway
Appositive Phrases

Appositive phrases provide more information about a noun in the sentence. Here are a few more examples:

  We sat by the Manter Stream, famous for a flood in 1934, for an hour.

  Jill sat on a pipe, connecting Bobcat Spring to our cabin, while she told the story. 

  Ranger Bob, the oldest man I've ever seen, told us an interesting story.

The appositives in these sentences are:

	famous for a flood in 1934

	connecting Bobcat Spring to our cabin

	the oldest man I've even seen

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