Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Seventeen, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. address
  2. drought
  3. drop
  4. drill
  5. dream
  6. drain
  7. children
  8. drink
  9. sonic
  10. boom
  1. center
  2. figure
  3. agree
  4. moment
  5. script
  6. travel
  7. settlement
  8. tourist
  9. goggle
  10. freeway
Unit Review

This list includes eight words which contain the -dr letter pattern.

	address		drought		drop

	drill		dream		drain

	children	drink

In all but two of these words the -dr letter pattern appears at the beginning of the word.

Appositive Phrases

A phrase is a group of words. An appositive phrase provides information about a particular noun in a sentence. In the following examples, the appositive phrase is underlined:

1) Jill's mouse, which loves cheese, is completely black.
2) The bank, built of solid granite, is beginning to crumble.
3) The pond, full of slime and bugs, really stinks.

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