Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Sixteen, Lesson Two: Letter Syllables

  1. dress
  2. lesson
  3. freshness
  4. fitness
  5. fearless
  6. glass
  7. mission
  8. pass
  9. movies
  10. law
  1. crust
  2. plate
  3. recycle
  4. aquatic
  5. dunes
  6. hungry
  7. stove
  8. pipe
  9. wells
  10. springs

Many of the words on this spelling list have more than one syllable:

	lesson		freshness		fitness

	fearless	mission			movies

	recycle		aquatic			hungry

Two of these words have three syllables. Do you know which ones? Say each word to yourself and try to count the syllables as you say each word.

Here are the words from the set above divided into syllables:

	les - son		fresh - ness

	fit - ness		fear - less

	mis - sion		mov - ies

	re - cy - cle		a - qua - tic

	hun - gry

Say the words to yourself again and pronounce them one syllable at a time.

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