Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Sixteen, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. dress
  2. lesson
  3. freshness
  4. fitness
  5. fearless
  6. glass
  7. mission
  8. pass
  9. movies
  10. law
  1. crust
  2. plate
  3. recycle
  4. aquatic
  5. dunes
  6. hungry
  7. stove
  8. pipe
  9. wells
  10. springs
Letter Patterns

Consonants followed by r occur in many words on this list:

	dress		freshness		crust

	hungry		springs

Two other words also contain an r. In fearless, the r follows a vowel. In recycle, the r is the first letter of the word.

The -ss letter pattern is part of two different suffixes in words on this list.

  fresh + ness  -> the state of being fresh

  fit + ness    -> the state of being fit

  fear + less   -> without fear

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