Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Fifteen, Lesson Two: Conjunctions, Pronouns, and Prepositions

  1. bright
  2. tight
  3. enlighten
  4. freight
  5. taught
  6. ought
  7. humidity
  8. proud
  9. record
  10. collect
  1. clock
  2. measure
  3. clear
  4. report
  5. clouds
  6. climate
  7. weather
  8. storm
  9. precipitation
  10. temperature
Conjunctions, Pronouns, and Prepositions

Conjunctions are words that join words or phrases. Pronouns are words that are used in place of a noun. Propositions show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. Here are some more examples:

	 or		 he		 by
	 since		 we		 over
	 after		 I		 through
	 until		 their		 between

Here are some of these words used in sentences:

  Jill wanted the juice or the milk with her breakfast.

  Jack waited until the store by the school closed.

  The dogs ran through the field.

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