Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Three: Conjunctions

  1. organize
  2. size
  3. wise
  4. despise
  5. flies
  6. tries
  7. realize
  8. supplies
  9. fries
  10. order
  1. bread
  2. bleach
  3. excavate
  4. enclosure
  5. fossil
  6. prehistoric
  7. formation
  8. recent
  9. study
  10. idea

Conjunctions are used a lot and so you should be aware of them. These are some of the most commonly used conjunctions:

	and		or		but

	because		as soon as	if

Here are a few more examples of these conjuctions in use:

  We will probably bring our dog, but we may leave him at home.

  Jill will call you as soon as she gets home.

  Jack can go to the party if he gets his chores done.

  Bob ate some cake and a lot of ice cream.

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