Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Two: Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs

  1. organize
  2. size
  3. wise
  4. despise
  5. flies
  6. tries
  7. realize
  8. supplies
  9. fries
  10. order
  1. bread
  2. bleach
  3. excavate
  4. enclosure
  5. fossil
  6. prehistoric
  7. formation
  8. recent
  9. study
  10. idea
Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs

You will recall that nouns name persons, places, or things. Adjectives modify nouns. Verbs are action words. Here are some more examples of each.

	 moist		 soil		 planted
	 powerful	 buffalo	 ate
	 quiet		 neighborhood	 lives
	 ancient	 trees		 located

Here are a few more sentences with the adjecties in red, the nouns in green, and the verbs in blue.

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