Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Thirteen, Lesson Four: Suffix: -et and -let

  1. organize
  2. size
  3. wise
  4. despise
  5. flies
  6. tries
  7. realize
  8. supplies
  9. fries
  10. order
  1. bread
  2. bleach
  3. excavate
  4. enclosure
  5. fossil
  6. prehistoric
  7. formation
  8. recent
  9. study
  10. idea
Suffix: -et and -let

The suffixes -et and -let both mean "small" or "tiny" when they are added to the ends of words like this:

	a short book 		book + let  = booklet

	a small pig		pig + let   = piglet

	a small package		pack + et   = packet

	a small drop		drop + let  = droplet

	a small wave		wave + let  = wavelet

There are a few other words which use the -et or -let suffix such as locket, anklet, octet, omelet, and jacket.

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