Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Twelve, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. torch
  2. porch
  3. wort
  4. worm
  5. enormous
  6. storm
  7. wind
  8. yucca
  9. slate
  10. crossing
  1. escape
  2. raft
  3. boat
  4. silent
  5. salt
  6. monument
  7. hidden
  8. float
  9. visitors
  10. capsule
Letter Patterns

This list contains several words with two vowels in a row:

	enormous	board		boat


Another common letter pattern in this list is the -st letter pattern. Here are the words from the list containing the -st letter pattern:
	storm		contest				

Three words have double letters:
	yucca		crossing		hidden

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