Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Twelve, Lesson Two: Pronouns and Other Nouns

  1. torch
  2. porch
  3. wort
  4. worm
  5. enormous
  6. storm
  7. wind
  8. yucca
  9. slate
  10. crossing
  1. escape
  2. raft
  3. boat
  4. silent
  5. salt
  6. monument
  7. hidden
  8. float
  9. visitors
  10. capsule
Pronouns and Other Nouns

We have discussed three different kinds of nouns: pronouns, proper nouns, and regular nouns.

	 she		 Chicago		 tree
	 it		 Mexico			 clock
	 he		 Christmas		 carpet
	 they		 Jan Jones		 apple pie
	 we		 Trona High School	 tornado
Remember that a pronoun is a word which refers to another noun (often in the same sentence). Here are a few examples. Pronouns are shown in red, proper nouns are shown in green, and regular nouns are underlined.

  Joe told the other kids about his new bike.

  The basketball they used in the game belongs to Jill.

  Wally brought his surfboard to the beach.

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