Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eleven, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. speech
  2. sweet
  3. teeth
  4. feet
  5. greet
  6. sheet
  7. pollinate
  8. sand
  9. bell
  10. shore
  1. dispersal
  2. gather
  3. wildrose
  4. charcoal
  5. kilns
  6. smelter
  7. crush
  8. ovary
  9. coating
  10. sap
Proper Adjectives

A proper adjective is a proper noun used as an adjective. In the following sentences the proper nouns are underlined.

  Jill loves Mexican food.

  Jack bought some Alaskan crab at the market.

  The dancers wore Hawaiian costumes.

A few other proper adjectives which you are likely to see include:
	Canadian		French		African

	German			Nez Perce	European

Multiple Meanings

Sometimes one word can have more than one meaning. Consider the word light. Light can refer to weight (as in "The package was light.") or it can refer to an appliance (as in "Would you please turn on the light.") or it can refer to the color of something (as in "She had light brown hair."). Here are some more words with multiple meanings.

        He put his money in the bank.
        They played on the river bank.
        She lit the fire.
        The company had to fire five employees.
        He put all his toys in a chest.
        The doctor took an x-ray of her chest.

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