Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eleven, Lesson Three: Proper Adjectives

  1. speech
  2. sweet
  3. teeth
  4. feet
  5. greet
  6. sheet
  7. pollinate
  8. sand
  9. bell
  10. shore
  1. dispersal
  2. gather
  3. wildrose
  4. charcoal
  5. kilns
  6. smelter
  7. crush
  8. ovary
  9. coating
  10. sap
Proper Adjectives

A proper noun used as an adjective is called a proper adjective. Here are some more examples:

  The French mineral water is supposed to be healthy.

  My friend has a case of the Asian flu.

  Jane owns an African thumb piano.

While it would be perfectly correct to say:

  Jack walked through the forest.

It is more meaningful to say:

  Jack walked through the German forest.

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