Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eleven, Lesson Two: Nouns and Adjectives

  1. speech
  2. sweet
  3. teeth
  4. feet
  5. greet
  6. sheet
  7. pollinate
  8. sand
  9. bell
  10. shore
  1. dispersal
  2. gather
  3. wildrose
  4. charcoal
  5. kilns
  6. smelter
  7. crush
  8. ovary
  9. coating
  10. sap
Adjectives and Nouns

An adjective tells us what KIND of noun we are dealing with. For instance a fish could be smelly, slippery, delicious, blue, dead, or salty. In this way adjectives provide us with more information about a noun. Here are some more nouns and adjectives:

		  jolly			  clown
		  zesty			  lemon
		  smooth		  fabric
		  messy			  hair
		  dirty			  socks

Here are some of these examples used in sentences. The adjectives are in bold and the nouns are underlined.

  A jolly clown ate the zesty lemon.

  He had messy hair and dirty socks.

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