Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eleven, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. speech
  2. sweet
  3. teeth
  4. feet
  5. greet
  6. sheet
  7. pollinate
  8. sand
  9. bell
  10. shore
  1. dispersal
  2. gather
  3. wildrose
  4. charcoal
  5. kilns
  6. smelter
  7. crush
  8. ovary
  9. coating
  10. sap
Unit Review

This unit contains several words which contain the -ee letter pattern. Here are the words from the list containing this pattern.

	speech		sweet		teeth

	feet		greet		sheet

Most words with the -ee letter pattern make the long e sound. One exception is the word "deer".

Adjectives and Nouns

As you will recall, nouns are words which names persons, places, or things. Adjectives provide descriptive information about a noun. In the following sentences the nouns are underlined and the adjectives are in bold.

  The green monster ate the delicious food.

  I do not live in a large house.

  She walked down the wet sidewalk on a cold day.

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