Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Ten, Lesson Three: Prepositions

  1. each
  2. peach
  3. teacher
  4. sweat
  5. leather
  6. weather
  7. neat
  8. great
  9. vapor
  10. ice
  1. solid
  2. gas
  3. steam
  4. snow
  5. sleet
  6. glicier
  7. stream
  8. melt
  9. crust
  10. fourth

Prepositions are words that show the relationships between words in a sentence. Here are some more examples:

	about		above		across

	against		among		before

	below		behind		between

	during		from		near

	over		since		through

	to		underneath	upon

Here are a few of these prepositions used in sentences.

  The bird flew below the tree branches.

  He spread the jelly over the bread.

  They haven't eaten since the last stop.

So, prepositions are location or relationship words. It would be hard to communicate without prepositions.

  Jill slept underneath her covers.

  Jack stood in line behind five other people.

  Bob walked on the sidewalk which was behind the large house.

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