Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Ten, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. each
  2. peach
  3. teacher
  4. sweat
  5. leather
  6. weather
  7. neat
  8. great
  9. vapor
  10. ice
  1. solid
  2. gas
  3. steam
  4. snow
  5. sleet
  6. glicier
  7. stream
  8. melt
  9. crust
  10. fourth
The ea Letter Pattern

Here are some words from the list with the -ea letter pattern.

        each            peach           teacher
        sweat           leather         weather
        neat            great           stream
Some of these words make the long e sound (like peach) and some don't (like great).

Nouns and Verbs

Nouns name a person, place, or thing. Verbs name an action. In the following sentences the nouns are underlined and the verbs are in bold font.

  The truck drove down the street.

  Three ducks swam in the pond

  He cleaned his room.

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