Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eight, Lesson Two: Sequence Words

  1. lotion
  2. locomotion
  3. caution
  4. rotation
  5. traction
  6. fraction
  7. action
  8. distraction
  9. station
  10. Russian
  1. lettuce
  2. fern
  3. lichen
  4. mule
  5. burro
  6. donkey
  7. burden
  8. paintings
  9. railroad
  10. train
Sequence Words

Certain sequence words are modified names of numbers. Consider these:

	first		second		third

	fourth		fifth		sixth

We could keep on going. For instance:

  He came in one-hundredth place in the race.

  He was the thousandth customer to buy something at the store.

  She wrote her ten-thousandth word yesterday afternoon.
So, you probably get the idea that any number word can be converted into an order word. Sometimes these words are helpful... other times it's better to just make a list.

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