Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Eight, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. lotion
  2. locomotion
  3. caution
  4. rotation
  5. traction
  6. fraction
  7. action
  8. distraction
  9. station
  10. Russian
  1. lettuce
  2. fern
  3. lichen
  4. mule
  5. burro
  6. donkey
  7. burden
  8. paintings
  9. railroad
  10. train
Letter Patterns

You will notice that there are three words which all refer to the same animal in this unit:

	mule		burro		donkey

Some people might get picky and say that these three words to not name exactly the same animal, but most people use them interchangeably.

Three words on this list have double letters:

	burro		lettuce		Russian		

There are also a few words (other than the words containing the tion letter pattern) with double vowels:

	railroad	train		paintings	Russian

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