Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Seven, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. ship
  2. slip
  3. trip
  4. clip
  5. ripen
  6. pipe
  7. dome
  8. remains
  9. aspen
  10. trail
  1. autumn
  2. dinosaur
  3. ruins
  4. ghost
  5. town
  6. prospect
  7. cliff
  8. granite
  9. stream
  10. fossil
The ip Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the ip letter pattern. The ip pattern can make two different sounds depending on whether or not the p is followed by an e. Here are some words from the list with the ip letter pattern.

	ship		slip		trip	

	clip		ripen		pipe

As you know, the e after the p causes the i sound to be pronounced as a long i sound. Otherwise the i has the short i sound. Here are some other words containing the ip letter pattern:
	grip		lip		sniper

	drip		flipper		cripple

Here are a few of the word containing the ip letter pattern in sample sentences:
  We enjoyed our trip to the mountains.

  The berries will ripen in a couple weeks.

  The pipe carries water from the spring to the cabin.

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