Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Six, Lesson Five: Unit Review

  1. brush
  2. fresh
  3. trash
  4. shave
  5. sharp
  6. mashed
  7. potato
  8. farm
  9. pass
  10. summit
  1. crest
  2. altitude
  3. beaver
  4. marmot
  5. buffalo
  6. antelope
  7. grizzly
  8. deer
  9. trapper
  10. protozoa
Helping Verbs

Helping verbs are sometimes called auxillary verbs. They work with another verb (or sometimes with another helping verb). Here are the common helping verbs:

	am	is	are	was	were
	could	shall	will	being	be

	may	can	might	would	should

	did	do	had	has	have

Here are some helping verbs underlined in sentences:

  Harry can go with us to the circus.

  Shelly is drinking the juice.

  Joe may have left a message.


Two words that end with the same sounds rhyme. These words may or may not have the same letter pattern since the same letter pattern doesn't always make the same sound and since different letter patterns sometimes produce the same sound.

  dust: must, bust, crust, trust (and more)

  there: air, their, care, chair, hair, hare (and more)

  store: bore, core, lore (and more)

Remember that words with the same letter pattern (as in watch and catch) don't always rhyme and that words with different letter patterns (as in chair and their) sometimes do rhyme.

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