Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Six, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. brush
  2. fresh
  3. trash
  4. shave
  5. sharp
  6. mashed
  7. potato
  8. farm
  9. pass
  10. summit
  1. crest
  2. altitude
  3. beaver
  4. marmot
  5. buffalo
  6. antelope
  7. grizzly
  8. deer
  9. trapper
  10. protozoa
The sh Letter Pattern

Several words in this list contain double letters:

	summit		trapper		grizzly

	pass		buffalo		deer

A few words in this list also contain two vowels in a row:

	beaver		deer		protozoa

Another pattern which can be found in many words in this list is a consonant followed by an r:

	brush		fresh		trash

	crest		grizzly		trapper


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