Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Six, Lesson Two: Question Marks

  1. brush
  2. fresh
  3. trash
  4. shave
  5. sharp
  6. mashed
  7. potato
  8. farm
  9. pass
  10. summit
  1. crest
  2. altitude
  3. beaver
  4. marmot
  5. buffalo
  6. antelope
  7. grizzly
  8. deer
  9. trapper
  10. protozoa
The Question Mark

As you know question marks are used at the end of questions.

  Have you seen my pencil?

  Would you like some more spinach?

  When will it stop raining?

Sentences which ask questions are often called interrogative sentences. These kinds of sentences end with question marks.

  Do you understand what I'm talking about?

  Are you sure?

Which of the following sentences are interrogatives?

 1) Can I go with you

 2) That cookie looks delicious

 3) Do you want a cookie

The first and third examples are interrogatives. They should end with question marks. The second example is not an interrogative. It should end with a period.

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