Language Arts Grade Four

Unit Five, Lesson One: Letter Patterns

  1. give
  2. five
  3. alive
  4. drive
  5. strive
  6. shack
  7. private
  8. supply
  9. gases
  10. poisonous
  1. gold
  2. copper
  3. silver
  4. zinc
  5. talc
  6. lead
  7. shaft
  8. tunnel
  9. strip
  10. tailings
The ive Letter Pattern

This list contains several words with the ive letter pattern. The ive pattern combines a either a long or a short i sound with the sound of the v. Here are some words from the list with the ive letter pattern.

	give		five		alive

	drive		strive

Here are some more words with this pattern which are not on the list:

	hive		survive		thrive

	wives		dive		chives

	arrive		motive		live

We can sort all these words into two lists. One lists is of words which have the -ive sound like give and the other has the -ive like five:

	give		five
	motive		alive
	live		drive

The interesting thing is that live is on both of these lists. Read these sentences and think about the two ways of pronouncing live.

  They live in Nevada.

  We used live worms as fishing bait.

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