Language Arts - Word Analysis
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Language Arts - Word Analysis - Sequence Words

Sequence Words

Sequence words are used to help the reader keep track of the order of events in a paragraph. Here are some sequence words.

	before		after		next

	finally		first		second

	third		then		last of all

	now		while		subsequently

	earlier		afterwards	concurrently

It's easy to write a paragraph using these words which makes the order of the events being described more clear.

	  The other day I went to a pie shop to sample different
	kinds of pie. First, I tried some raspberry pie. It was 
	tasty. Next, I tried some blackberry pie. After that I
	tried some boysenberry pie. Finally, I tried some huckleberry
	pie. The huckleberry pie was my favorite.

From the information presented in this paragraph we could make a list showing the order in which the different kinds of pie were tried.
  1. raspberry
  2. blackberry
  3. boysenberry
  4. huckleberry
Here are a few more examples of the use of sequence words in sentences:

	Jill brushed her teeth after breakfast.

	Bob did his homework while listening to music.

	First, we watched the movie and later we had some pizza.

Certain sequence words are modified names of numbers. Consider these:

	first		second		third

	fourth		fifth		sixth

We could keep on going. For instance:

  He came in one-hundredth place in the race.

  He was the thousandth customer to buy something at the store.

  She wrote her ten-thousandth word yesterday afternoon.
So, you probably get the idea that any number word can be converted into an order word. Sometimes these words are helpful and other times it's better to just make a list.

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