Language Arts - Word Analysis
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Language Arts - Word Analysis - Antonyms


Antonyms are words with opposite meanings. Here are some examples of antonym pairs:

	dark/bright		dull/exciting		slow/fast

	solid/flimsy		loud/soft		bored/excited

	true/false		wrong/right		clean/dirty

Antonym pairs are not too hard to think of. In fact, in that last sentence the word hard is an antonym for soft or easy and in this sentence last is an antonym for first. All you have to do is start talking and ideas for antonyms will naturally occur. Here are a few more antonym pairs:

	more/less		few/many		natural/artificial

	antonym/synonym		begin/end		start/finish

	in/out			fact/fiction		all/none

One word can sometimes have several antonyms. For example, consider the antonyms for the word mean:

  friendly, nice, courteous, polite, kind

Here are some antonym pairs used in sentences:

	She said yes and he said no.

	The dog barked loudly and the cat meowed softly.

	My friend was mean and your enemy was nice.

	Her father is tall and his mother is short.

	My aunt yelled and my uncle whispered.

	In the summer in the desert it is often hot and seldom cold.

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