Language Arts - Parts of Speech
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Language Arts - Parts of Speech - Pronouns

Subject and Object Pronouns

Pronouns are words that can take the place of a noun in a written or spoken passage. Here are some basic pronouns:

	he		she		it		they

	we		me		I		us

	them		her		him		you

Here are a few of these pronouns in action:

	Bob went to the store with them.

	Jill and I are best friends.

	Jack had a milkshake and he drank it in two minutes.

	They are waiting for us.

There are many types of pronouns. In this lessons we will look at two types of pronouns:

  SUBJECT PRONOUNS: I, you, he, she, it, they, we

  OBJECT PRONOUNS: me, you, him, her, it, them, us

Notice that "it" and "you" appear in both lists!

Here are some examples of subject and object pronouns in use:

  I will call you in about an hour.

  Please call me in an hour.

  She said that the soup was salty.

  The soup was too salty for her.

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