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Language Arts - Parts of Speech | ||
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Language Arts - Parts of Speech - NounsSingular and Plural Nouns Nouns are words that name persons, places, things, or ideas. Here are some examples: tree dog fish turtle store forest farm city car house toy speech honesty thought destiny luck The tree by the pond is very tall. Lots of people visit the museum every year. It was an interesting thought, but it wasn't very practical. tree trees dog dogs mouse mice goose geese toy toys box boxes jelly jellies kiss kisses ADD -S: Many nouns can be pluralized simply by adding -s. EXAMPLES: nouns, verbs, birds, cans, books, shirts. ADD -ES: Nouns which end with sh, ch, x, and ss are pluralized by adding -es. EXAMPLES: churches, foxes, wishes, kisses, speeches, boxes. DROP Y, ADD -IES; Some nouns which end with y are pluralized by dropping the y and adding -ies. EXAMPLES: flies, bunnies, stories, jellies, tries. DON'T DROP Y: plays, toys, keys. IRREGULAR: Some nouns don't follow rules. EXAMPLES: mouse-mice, goose-geese, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, man-men. ![]() | |
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