Language Arts - Parts of Speech
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Language Arts - Parts of Speech - Descriptive Adjectives

Descriptive adjectives provide the reader with more information about a noun or pronoun. Consider these examples.

  Jill drove the car.  (technically "the" is an adjective)

  Jill drove the red car. ("red" describes the color of the car)

  Jill drove the fast, red car.  ("fast" is also an adjective)

Words like the, a, an, and some are all adjectives, but we will ignore these adjectives in this lesson and stick to just the descriptive adjectives. Descriptive adjectives are words like tall, mean, ugly, green, smelly, or heavy which give us descriptive information about the noun (or pronoun) which they apply to.

  The mean cat ate all the cat food.

  A mangy dog walked past our yard.

  My canary loves to eat slimy worms.

Adjectives describe a noun or a pronoun. They can appear before or after the noun to which they apply.

1) Jill has a friend who is very shy. (The friend is shy.)

2) Jack has a silly friend. (The friend is silly.)

3) Jasper's dog is energetic. (The dog is energetic.)

In sentence one the noun "friend" is modified by the adjective "shy," informing us that the friend is shy. Sentence two contains the adjective "silly", which applies to the noun "friend," telling us that the friend is silly. The last sentence contains the noun "dog" which is modified by the adjective "energetic." This tells us that the dog is energetic.

Here are a few more words which are often used as descriptive adjectives.

	beautiful	smelly		tall

	nimble		friendly	funny

	athletic	smart		weird

	strange		horrible	terrible

	tasty		great		flat

	smooth		fuzzy		cold

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