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Language Arts - Miscellaneous | ||
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Language Arts - Miscellaneous - AbbreviationsAbbreviations We use abbreviations all the time. Some abbreviations are even more commonly used than the full versions of the words they are derived from. Here are some of the most commonly used abbreviations: WORD ABBREVIATION Mister Mr. Doctor Dr. Junior Jr. Road Rd. Avenue Ave. Street St. WORD(s) ABBREVIATION etcetera etc words per minute wpm junction jct point pt amount amt abbreviation abbr especially esp UFO Unidentified Flying Object USA United States of America psi pounds per square inch DNA deoxyribonucleic acid rpm revolutions per minute ABBREVIATION NAME FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation BLM Bureau of Land Management USDA United States Department of Agriculture CIA Central Intelligence Agency USFS United States Forest Service The days of the week all have standard abbreviations: ABBREVIATION FULL WORD Mon. Monday Tues. Tuesday Wed. Wednesday Thurs. Thursday Fri. Friday Sat. Saturday Sun. Sunday ABBREVIATION FULL WORD Jan. January Feb. February Mar. March Apr. April Aug. August Sept. September Oct. October Nov. November Dec. December ABBREVIATION FULL WORD O oxygen C carbon H hydrogen He helium N nitrogen Mg mercury Cu copper Acronyms are very much like abbreviations. Here are some examples: PIN: Personal Identification Number SCUBA: Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome NASA: National Aeronatics and Space Administration
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization SWAT: Special Weapons Action Team SNAFU: situation normal, all fouled up RIF: Reading is Fundamental RAM: Random-Access Memory ROM: Read-Only Memory AWOL: Absent WithOut Leave OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries MORE FUN ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS: USDA: United States Department of Agriculture USFS: United States Forest Service ASAP: As Soon As Possible IDK: I Don't Know NYOB: None Of Your Business DOB: Date Of Birth FYI: For Your Information AKA: Also Known As DMV: Department of Motor Vehicles ![]() | |
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