Keyboarding Skills
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Keyboarding Skills - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL

  1. Letter Pyramid 01 - Introduction of number keys.
  2. Perfect Line 01 - Practice with number keys.
  3. Table Drill - More practice with number keys.
  4. Digging for Words - Practice typing full alphabet plus number keys.
  5. Key Tapping 01 - Practice typing sentences containing numbers.
  6. Block 01 - Introducing the colon!
  7. Word Storm 01 - Practice using alphabet and number keys.
  8. Letter Pyramid 02 - More practice with number and alphabet keys.
  9. Perfect Line 02 - Practice using number keys in sentences.
  10. Tapping 02 - Introducing the question mark key!
  1. Block 02 - Introducing !, %, and $.
  2. Word Storm 02 - Introducing &, #, and @.
  3. Letter Pyramid 03 - Introducing (, ), ^, and *.
  4. Perfect Line 03 - Introducing the apostrophe.
  5. Tapping 03 - More symbols keys.
  6. Block 03 - Even more symbols keys!
  7. Word Storm 03 - Shoot combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols!
  8. Perfect Line 04 - Practice typing sentences containing numbers and symbols.
  9. Tapping 04 - More practice with numbers and symbols.
  10. Speed Test - Check your speed and accuracy!
Home - Back to the main page.

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