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Pi Day Celebrations

     Every year on March 14th, math enthusiasts around the world celebrate Pi Day. Not only is pi a useful value which helps people to solve a variety of problems, but it is also a rather unique number with an interesting history behind it. Many Pi Day celebrations involve contests to see who can recite the most digits of pi. Other celebrations can be a little bit silly and may exploit the fact that pi sounds like pie to justify the ingestion of various kinds of pie. In fact, some celebrations may involve the eating of pizza pie for lunch followed by fruit or creme pie for dessert. Pi-rates are also common characters making appearances at Pi Day celebrations. Hula hoops, bracelets, and other circular objects may also be included in Pi Day celebrations. Although participating in Pi Day celebrations may seem kind of geeky, there's nothing wrong with having fun and math is often a lot of fun!

Pi Day 2018
Pi Day 2018

The digits of pi never end. They go on forever and ever. Put another way, pi can be expressed as an infinite sequence of digits beginning with 3.14. By the way, March 14 just happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday.

Polygons In Circles
Archimede's Polygons

Here we see a simple example of how Archimedes used inscribed polygons to approximate the value of pi. BTW, Archimede's also used circumscribed polygons, but, as already indicated, this is a simplified demo.

Pi Lesson Scratch Project
Radians Demonstration

This project shows the relationship between radians and the circumference of a circle. As can be seen from the demo it takes 2*PI radians to make it around the circumference of a circle.

Pi Monster Scratch Project
Pi Monster

This is just a silly project showing a pi sign with eyes walking menacingly closer and closer. It doesn't look too scary, but you will see the pi monster make an appearance in one of the videos to the right.

JavaScript Demo Projects:
Pi Demo One
Pi Demo Two

PI 2019: The Last Digit Of Pi
The Last Digit Of Pi
PI 2018: The Six Nines Of Pi
The Six Nines Of Pi
PI 2017: Pi Song 2017
Pi Song 2017
PI 2016: Slice of Pi Slice Of Pi
INTERESTING: Approximately Pi : Article at Wired.com
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