Arithmetic - Decimal Operations
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Arithmetic - Decimal Operations - Place Value

You already know about the names of the places to the left of the decimal. In this lesson we will take a look at the places to the right of the decimal.

  Let's take a close look at the decimal value 451.67

        HUNDREDS  |   TENS    |    ONES     |   TENTHS    |   HUNDREDTHS
                  |           |             |             |  
           4      |    5      |      1      .      6      |       7

  The digit 4 is in the hundreds place.

  The digit 5 is in the tens place.
  The digit 1 is in the ones place.

  The digit 6 is in the tenths place.

  The digit 7 is in the hundredths place.

The first digit to the right of the decimal point is in the tenths column. The next digit to the right of that is in the hundredths column.

Here's an example with a value in the thousandths place:

  Let's take a close look at the decimal value 51.736

          TENS    |   ONES    |    TENTHS    |   HUNDREDTHS  |   THOUSANDTHS
                  |           |              |               |
           5      |    1      .      7       |       3       |       6

  The digit 5 is in the tens place.

  The digit 1 is in the ones place.

  The digit 7 is in the tenths place.

  The digit 3 is in the hundredths place.
  The digit 6 is in the thousandths place.

Here's yet another example:

  Let's take a close look at the decimal value 67.431

         TENS     |   ONES    |    TENTHS    |   HUNDREDTHS  |   THOUSANDTHS
                  |           |              |               |
           6      |    7      .      4       |       3       |       1

  The digit 6 is in the tens place.

  The digit 7 is in the ones place.

  The digit 4 is in the tenths place.

  The digit 3 is in the hundredths place.

  The digit 1 is in the thousandths place.

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