Arithmetic - Decimal Operations
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Arithmetic - Decimal Operations - Converting Fractions to Decimals

Converting fractions that have denominators of 10 or 100 to decimal values is really easy. Take a look at these examples:

    1/10    =   .1		22/100  =   .22

    61/100  =   .61		20/100  =   .20

    25/100  =   .25		 9/10    =   .9

    77/100  =   .77              9/100   =   .09

Here's how to pronounce some decimal values:

     VALUE      ACCEPTABLE                   BEST

      .3 	Point three             Three tenths

      .35       Point three five        Thirty-five hundredths

      .04	Point zero four         Four hundredths

      .4	Point four              Four tenths

What about 0.4 versus 0.40?

  For the activity on the next page, these are the correct answers:
  4/10   = .4                   7/10   = .7
  40/100 = .40                  70/100 = .70

  This is despite the fact that .4 equals .40 and .7 equals .70, etc.

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