Arithmetic - Decimal Operations - Decimal Values
Almost certainly you've seen decimal values before. Here are a few examples
to help remind you of what they look like.
The first digit after the decimal point (that little dot in front
of the values shown above) is called the tenths column. We are going to
concentrate on converting fractions like 2/10 to equivalent decimal values
like .2 in these first two examples.
Study the following pictures:
This first picture illustrates the fraction value 6/10. We can re-write the
fraction 6/10 as an equivalent decimal value .6.
This second picture illustrates the fraction value 4/10. We can re-write the
fraction 4/10 as an equivalent decimal value .4.
Next activity we will convert fraction values such as 9/10 into
equivalent decimal value: 9/10 = .9
The second digit after the decimal point is called the hundredths column.
We are going to concentrate on converting fractions like 2/100 to equivalent
decimal values like .02 in these next two examples.
Study the following pictures:
This first picture illustrates the fraction value 5/100. We can re-write the
fraction 5/100 as an equivalent decimal value .05.
This second picture illustrates the fraction value 55/100. We can re-write
fraction 55/100 as an equivalent decimal value .55.
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